L.A. TIMES : Is Mitt Romney feeling the end ?

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Is Mitt Romney pondering The End?

As his chartered 737 jet flew high over the snowy prairies this weekend, Mitt Romney did something he hardly ever does.

He walked from the first-class section of the plane where candidates and senior staff typically sit on these seemingly endless campaign flights back into the messy economy section where the press corps covering the candidate resides. In fact, he did it several times.

Romney was, of course, immediately surrounded by reporters like The Times’ Seema Mehta with notebooks and tape recorders, ready to….

absorb his every word. And the candidate just chatted for a while. Kind of shared his thoughts. Answered some questions.

Now, that may seem insignificant. But on a presidential campaign, especially one where the buttoned-down candidate very rarely chooses to mingle like that, nothing happens by chance.

Romney’s campaign is in trouble. Deep trouble. He knows it. His staff knows it. And so does his chief rival Sen. John McCain, who’s gonna try to put Romney away with a bunch of big wins this Super Tuesday, when about half of the GOP delegates necessary for the nomination are chosen.
