I am not buying anything made in China.


The insanity in Tibet, and earlier in Myanmar has convinced me that unless every country, and every person within it, comes together to say NO!  —-then this too shall not pass. I have vowed not to buy goods OF ANY KIND at Walmart. That outta cover it. But, I will be checking the label of everything I buy from this day forward, in honor of the Tibetan people and those suffering in Myanmar. And for the record, I don’t believe my government is REALLY interested in stopping this insanity. If they did, it would stop.

What will YOU do ?

We democrats and some independents aren’t buying anything fom you today.


We aren’t going to feed the monster anymore. We are going into a new year with a new plan. STOP BUYING STUFF. We have what we need. And, if there is some non-essential that we need, we will support the Good Will and Salvation Army, or local hospital thrift. We will get lucky and find a oversized Tye Dye Frog for $1.00. We will be at peace.

We have enough video games, movies, CD’s. We have enough clothes. We really don’t need another new car. We don’t need any vintage linens. We don’t need a new set of golf clubs. No new computer. We don’t need 698 football channels. We don’t need another lovely candle with stones on a plate. We don’t need a whiter pair of sneakers. We defin don’t need Nike. We don’t need to spend $500 on Valentines Day. W can make Valentines Day an example, and express LOVE OF COUNTRY as a couple instead. If that doesn’t set well with your wife- don’t worry. She’ll get over it soon enough. Put your money is a little jar, or give it away. It’s illegal to burn it, so I won’t advocate that. 

Today, Democrats, Independents, and smart republicans are taking back their power. We are not spending needlessly. We are joining together to make REAL change. We know it will take awhile. But, we are the brave and the strong. Eventually- we win. We win through tough perseverence. No matter how very badly we want that silk scarf with the little Buddhas on it, we will say NO !!!! You will not own me little buddhas !!!! I am free of scarves !!!

Each day that passes, it gets easier. The sale catalogues no longer tickle our dark places. We can fight off our Shopping Whore. We see how sadly gross it is to have been so needy of the next emotional fix for all that ails us. We realize what has gone on here, and our responsibility in it. We stop drinking Coke and all there other products. We don’t do Disney anymore. We have seen enough.  We are waking and we are taking our souls back. We like the local water park and it’s nice and close to home so we aren’t guzzling gasoline.

We are not going to align with Greed and Hate any longer by supporting it with our money. We aren’t spending our money in the stock market on companies who do harm. We know our 401Ks and if they aren’t in line with a better world – no thanks. We are TAKING PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY. We aren’t going to blame you anymore for our plight.

We are detaching. We are paying off all of our credit cards instead of buying new stuff. We are getting out of debt now. We know it’s going to get uglier as more and more people catch on, over time, and companies begin to lay us off. We are prepared for this battle. We know this is the only way out. MONEY.