
From the time I woke up this morning, to right now, all networks are talking only word: ECONOMY. They will spend all day talking about the economy. They just now said it again. THE ECONOMY, they say is our #1 concern. This is a lie. They lie to you and I. Why? Because they are bought and sold by the very people who have stolen our democracy.

HERE’S MY ADVICE TO YOU . You won’t get better advise my friend. There is only one way to end this nightmare. DISENGAGE FROM THE BS. Stop buying stuff. Effective now. Dedicate 2008 as the year you stopped buying shit. Also, I suggest to you that you sign up for the undecided column, and wait and see where we go as a party from here. Get out of Edwards column. Get out of Hillary’s column. Get out of Obama’s column. I wish we had some REAL leadership right now. But, we don’t. What we have is each other and the power of our collective wallet, voice and vote. I don’t care about the damn economy. The Power Elite have complete control of our economy. Big Oil made record profits and they are Bush’s best friends. The banks made billions of dollars in bad loans, knowing it would crash and here we are.  They control the economy. Period. If YOU want to control the economy – you can. You can stop buying their stuff.

 I care about the war in Iraq, the upcoming war in Iran, our homeless vets, mandatory vaccines, the corrupt beef industry, our health freedoms, THE PATRIOT ACT, and all the things Obama, Hils and Edwards won’t talk about, except as a nice little poem. The media own these poeple, and the Global Elite own the Media, and you really don’t want to know who owns the Global Elite do you.

There is no time left. This is it. WHAT WILL YOU DO.

Please, we must join together, fearlessly and stand united. Stop buying anything that is not food or shelter and basic needs. Get rid of your big fat cars and go small. Conserve gas. Conserve electricity. Buy used clothing. I’ve been doing it for years, and I look fabulous ! Have a yard sale and sell your junk. Give that money away if you can. If not, please use it wisely. Don’t buy their stuff. If you cannot dedicate for this, then nothing else you are doing has any power.

Keep blogging about the things you care about. DON’T LET THEM TELL US WHAT MATTERS TO US.

The people in positions in power who may understand this debate, will no longer fight for people who will not fight for themselves. WHY WOULD THEY ? They will cave to the enormous pressure on them from above.

Now get going.

BREAKING NEWS: Pelosi is a pretender

yeah, i kinda figured that out finally….



Have Pelosi and Dem Leaders Been

Complicit in Bush’s Torture Policy Since 2002?

By Jeremy Brecher and Brendan L. Smith, AlterNet
Posted on December 11, 2007, Printed on December 11, 2007

What did Congressional Democrats know, and when did they know it?

Is it possible that many Democratic leaders have been informed by the Bush administration over the years about its doubtfully legal activities?

If so, are they therefore complicit in the Bush administration’s lawlessness?

It’s just been disclosed that Representative Jane Harmon and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi were briefed by the Bush administration on the use of waterboarding. Harmon objected but Pelosi did not — and when she became speaker of the house, she rejected Harmon for chair of the House Intelligence Committee.

The Administration has frequently responded to charges of Executive usurpation by saying the Congressional leaders were fully briefed on such questionable practices as NSA surveillance, extraordinary rendition, and enhanced interrogation techniques.

And evidence is mounting that they were. According to the Washington Post, since 2002 leading Democrats lawmakers received “about 30 private CIA briefings, some of which included descriptions of waterboarding, overseas rendition sites, “and other harsh interrogation methods.” Officials present at some of the meetings, told the Post that the reaction from legislators “was not just approval, but encouragement.”

If so, it would answer one of the great mysteries of 2007. The Democrats, once in control of Congress, had the courage to pursue cutoff of funds for the Iraq war, even though the Bush administration was happy to take advantage of their effort by characterizing it as failure to support the troops. The obvious companion strategy would have been to conduct intensive investigations to show that the entire Bush project has been to subvert law and Constitutional government in the interests of aggrandizing power nationally and internationally.

But Congressional Democrats have systematically avoided serious investigation of Bush administration lawlessness, and so far have retreated from using the power of contempt when the Bush officials have refused to respond to subpoenas.

Could this be because some Democratic leaders in effect colluded in Bush administration crimes — knew about them but failed to report them?

Senator Joseph Biden has just called for the appointment of an independent counsel to investigate the destruction of the terror tapes. But Senator Jay Rockefeller, chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, opposes this, telling the Associated Press, “I don’t think there’s a need for a special counsel, and I don’t think there’s a need for a special commission. It is the job of the intelligence committees to do that.”

But if Congressional Democrats may be complicit in the Bush administration’s crimes, isn’t this a proposal that Rockefeller and his fellow members of Congress be allowed to investigate themselves?

The same logic applies to other cases of Bush administration lawlessness. According to Seymour Hersh, for example, the NIE report on Iran has been suppressed for months by Dick Cheney. It’s hard to believe that Democratic Congressional leaders didn’t know about it. Did they ask to be briefed on it? Were they briefed on it? Did they know that the intellegence community disavowed Bush’s falsehoods about Iran? If so, what did they do about it? If they knew and did nothing, what is their level of complicity?

The only way for Congressional Democrats to clear themselves from the suspicion of complicity in Bush administration crimes is to appoint a special prosecutor, empowered to investigate not only the destruction of the torture tapes, but also other government crimes and efforts to conceal those crimes. Otherwise, their “investigations” may appear to be little more than another layer of cover-up.

Jeremy Brecher is a historian and co-editor with Brendan Smith and Jill Cutler of “In the Name of Democracy: American War Crimes in Iraq and Beyond” (Metropolitan/Holt) and is a co-founder of Brendan Smith is a legal analyst and currently co-director of Global Labor Strategies and UCLA Law School’s Globalization and Labor Standards Project.

© 2007 Independent Media Institute. All rights reserved.
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How soon will Pelosi be gone? (from a lefty)


Lewis Black: From MoveOn to Lapel Pins, Non-Issues Reign in ’08 [VIDEO]


By Manila Ryce
Posted on October 12, 2007, Printed on October 13, 2007

This post, written by Manila Ryce, originally appeared on The Largest Minority

To draw attention away from the war itself, congress decided to legislate free speech by condemning a full-page ad by criticizing General Petraeus. Democrats allowed the pointless amendment to pass the Senate and a similar resolution to pass the House, but after being lambasted by their base for being spineless, they insisted the Republicans also denounce Rush Limbaugh. With the petty one-ups-manship between these two incompetent parties in a time of war, it’s no wonder that Congress has an even lower approval rating than the president. Never missing the opportunity to contribute their emissions to a climate of idiocy, Fox News reminded us that what’s really important are symbols meant to represent your patriotism, not the actual intent of your actions.

Manila Ryce is a regular blooger for The Largest Minority

© 2007 Independent Media Institute. All rights reserved.
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This Way Out Of Hell

I am closing my blog. I realize that the angst is only serving to create more hell. It is not the way.

I have come full circle in my anger and rage, and seeing more clearly. There is a way out. It isn’t found in fighting the darkness.  It is found in understanding, forgiveness, faith and hope. I have said many mean things here out of fear. I take them all back. I don’t want it in the ethers. I am sorry for forgetting who I am.  It was not the best of me. I can’t control the world, nor do I wish to. I can control me. Maybe this sharing I wrote today, which was inspired by smarter peeps than I, will help you too. This place is temporary passage. Its not for keeps. Until we stop fighting and direct our faith and hope in the power of GRACE, we will not see an end to hell. Bless you all.

peace out. 


Written by Sheree Denise Rainbolt-Kren

…..and inspiration from Authentic Light.

(c)  2007  All rights reserved

The earth, water, and air of this earth has been dutifully imprinted with our living collective agreement and memory. Not just the memory of humans, but the memories of livestock, plants, trees, fish, and the memory of planets and stars as they reflect upon this dimension. The memory of touch, smiles and bliss. The memories of rage and thrown stones. Every living thing, seen and unseen, that is merged energetically with the earth, in any way, has a say in the way life has been and the way life will be. Imagine the breath and scope of this idea. Once you absorb this concept, your life experience will change.

All ideas, thoughts, words and actions are welcome in our Global Archive, which I will call The Global Aura. No thought, word or action is ever turned away. We Creators are loved unconditionally. It is this gift of unconditional that allows for this journey. Within this Grand Universal Library are smaller sections we built to keep us safe from experience and identity we did not want, for a host of reasons. But, Creation is patient. For every slot we have chosen to place ourselves, there is a slot waiting with our name on it. That is because it is against our true nature to section ourselves off from other sections. When we have reached maturity, we will have opened to every offering without disgust or fear. Our eyes will be wise. As we grow more and more into the truth of ourselves, seeing more broadly will not concern us, for the Observer does not disturb, but merely accepts what Is. This acceptance is true Knowledge. Know Ledge. Some would say Know the L edge. There is much to know about that right angle, but I will save that for another time.

Our human records can be located by our DNA, but its not just physical DNA that identifies us. We are also defined, while out on this rope, by the planets, the stars, the moon, and the Galaxy itself.  We are defined by our etheric memory in the unseen, in the unproven, in the mystical.  We are defined by the footprints we leave behind and the footprints we didn’t leave behind. We are also defined by our Global footprint, the earth, the seas, the wind. You will come to understand that when you purchase (adopt) things with money, time, or energy, you automatically align with it’s manifest blueprint. This has consequences, and most of them you are unaware of. When we buy an item made in a sweatshop in China, or we eat the meat of a cow who has been tortured, we become part of the memory of that living being. Until you choose otherwise, you will always inherit the effects of that memory. There is far more to our definition than our bone and blood. The physical archive of life tells us one thing, but the truth of our multifaceted being tells us far more. Its the *far more* that is of importance now.

If you will consider anything more deeply on this day, let it be this: The oceans, rivers, lakes and streams are sponges, dutifully soaking up all thoughts and feelings, and emitting those back to us through the earth, where all things are minimized to dust, where we grow our food, and in the air we breathe and the water we drink.  The earth does not discriminate. Water is not prejudiced. The wind blows through starving countries on its way to wealthy nations. Fear, guilt, shame and hatred live in a Global Aura that is shared by all, even is you have chosen not to pay attention to it. Remedy is not resistance, denial and separation. Remedy is Love and true Knowledge, otherwise known as Authentic Light. This Light is not coming from elsewhere. It is within, and can be tapped when we choose to live authentically right here right now, at your current address. The elements await our very next thought. We share the elements, and the elements remember.


No organ in our human body has a separate existence from another organ in the body. The organs are interdependent. When any organ is defective, the vital chain of harmony is broken and disease results. For example, In maxillary sinusitis, the pus in the sinus causes pressure on the gums there by spreading the bacteria and causing gum and tooth infection, which in turn can impact the heart and other organs in the body. It is a chain reaction. Earth is a chain reaction. Humans are chain reactions. The physical Universe is a chain reaction. Everything is dependent on everything else. You cannot escape this truth. Now is the time to understand it, so you can be a Creator with Knowledge.

Our thoughts and feelings have created the experience of this earth. Water obeys our wish. We wish for war and hate, and we will experience it. It is done. When enough energy wishes for love and peace – it is done. But, what is important to recognize is that we are all merged with one another through the elements of which we are part of.  We do not live in a house divided. That might indicate you have a separate choice you can make for yourself only, which impacts you only. In the most immature of understanding, this appears to be the case, but in the broader picture, this is not true. You would not be here now, in this picture, were it not for your identification with and your signature in the Earth, Water and Air. The memory of you chooses to take form in the very realm where your memory wishes to expand. Your memory is its own reference point. Your future will look like your past unless you awaken to what memory is and exercise your power to Create from Authentic Light.  

The memories of life on earth are not divisible in truth. It is only when you take a physical apparatus and take a specific portion of that infinite memory and make it your own, that it appears separate from the rest. When you empty your cup back into the ocean it becomes one with it. The same thing happens when you have a thought. That thought you just had, which is uniquely recycled, is contained for now, to a degree, but write it down and share it, and it will pool with the collective consciousness and become one with the Global  Aura. Back into the ocean of Creation that is the All.

All living things on planet earth are merged with this time and space archive, even as newborn babies. We are merged with the earth’s water, even as Light Workers, seekers, mystics, rapists, and murderers, and those unconcerned with their origin. The Global Aura is a memory, for better or worse.  The earth, the water and the air has recorded where we have been, and what we thought about where we have been. These same elements are poised to record where we are going and how we are feeling as we are going there. But, knowing this has enormous power to teach us better ways. The hard part is over. Now, we know. We know The Global Aura is fluid and humans have a monumental responsibility to recognize the oneness of this Creation, and act accordingly.

All of time and space and beyond is within you. All dimensions are within. Not out there. That which you are truly done looking at, with eyes of authentic love, will fade away from your memory and take its rightful place in a time and space that no longer has any power to hurt you. But, you need never leave this plane (per se) to get to another. You need only willingness to access the highest memory of what you are. Memory is a living and breathing entity that is readily available to you anytime you wish to address it in order to heal it, or exacerbate it. This memory is MIND. That is what the mind is. Memory.

The good news is that memories are never set in stone. The very second you decide something different, then share it and act to imprint that new idea, your memories are transformed. When memories are transformed for one, they are transformed for all. The power of one person to desire true alignment with true knowledge can undo the power of a hundred sacred texts and revelations scripted from fear. This is not just some lofty, new age concept. This is the truth of the matter.

Our DNA; our bone, is a reliable recording on one level, and one that Science looks at with increasing accuracy to reveal the past, the present and the future. It would serve the earth, the Multi Verse and all of life itself, if we looked at DNA more broadly, and from a deeper spiritual perspective, especially as it relates to the unfolding events to come.

Nothing that has ever been thought, written, or acted upon, in time, or beyond, is outside the power of Love.

While humans have been taught to follow along with the wiser ones, the time has come for individual humans to step back from the movie, draw a deep breath, see outside the picture frame, call back their identity and own their inheritance. It is not too late to dismiss that which you don’t agree with. We think it takes physical people, places and things to create. It is not so. First there is thought and desire. We are Divine Beings Of Light, with true, organic Power to impact The Global Aura, starting here and now. Did we come all this way to violently perish, based on some religious theme, without experiencing the Power of our Mind? Or, did we come all this way to learn the power of personal responsibility and the impact of our choices on all living things? Did we come all this way to see the tiny wantings and scripts of fear, so that we may mature and grow into magnificence? Was it our original plan to pass through, without clinging to the token ornaments, on our way to Truth?

The end times is really nothing more than an idea we observed and agreed to, by virtue of a written word, handed down through the ages of time from some source with a name. Millions of people agreed that this source with a name… was thee source and thee true source. What if that source was not of Authentic Light? What if that source was of a lost realm. Is it possible? Look at your life.

For all the humans that look upon the prophesies of the End Times as nothing more than an idea, there are tens of thousands more who look upon it as truth. To look upon any idea as true, especially ideas in written form, is to experience it as truth. That is the point of Creation. Think it, create it, experience it. Mass agreement has strength, but strength built on the idea of illusion has no real power. We don’t see evidence of that because we are impatient and use our human eyes to measure our progress, when the unseen realms of Light, and the earth, the water, the air, are holding and growing our promise even as our desire wanes with the tides of life. We have become complacent and hopeless. We turn our heads to the ugly and the shameful and hope our inattentiveness will make it go away. New books teach us to turn away and focus on joy. But, we turn away without really seeing that it cannot hurt us. Until we move on from knowing, we have not moved on. That is why things do yet look different.

We have had many new teachings flow down from the mad realms of lost souls who meet up with our minds in moments of fear, and work hard to convince us, guide us to join them. If you knew how many humans on planet earth, and beyond, are under the spells of these guides, you would be amazed. But, this need not be. We only become vulnerable when we forget our own true identity and adopt the memory of those who have gone before and use their powers to build more and more greed, hatred and fear. We have the power within us, right now, to settle into quiet, call this up and give it into the hands of Authentic Light for transformation. All we need do is own our Divinity and our Power, then act accordingly.

Many assume that these scripts are “Things That Must Come To Pass.” As science is now showing us, nothing is carved in stone. The Multi Verse is fluid and it is non local. Disagree with the written word, from the courageous mind, and you will be one more authentic light impacting The Global Aura, the Etheric DNA, and allowing for the rise of the collective Authentic Phoenix from the ashes of ignorance and suppression. We are at the fork in the road right now. But, your choice will need to be fueled with a willingness to believe in yourself and your true Power. You will only learn this through thought, word and action of your own. You will not learn it loitering about this plane looking for the answers outside yourself. Retire all Gurus to the shade of nearby Dogwoods. You are now in charge of your belief system, entirely. You already know the truth. All that is needed is your choice to live and breathe it, at all cost. You have a guide within you. You can call that God. You can call it Jesus, Buddha, Mohammed, Krishna, Burt Reynolds. Or, you can call it your Highest Self. Or, you can call it nothing at all, for that which is timeless needs no name. It really doesn’t matter as long as you understand that this guide is Love and it is within.

How does one transform a memory called the End Times or any other such idea? Choose, with your heart and mind, in recognition that this is not deserving of the perfect being that you are. You did not come to create a violent ending. You came to create and experience timeless Light and all that it holds. You came to Create. What are you creating? You decide this within, then live your life as if you believe it. That is how it is undone. The wind, water and earth take on new memory through loving thought, word and action. Violence and hatred are not undone by exposing it, monitoring it, and voting against it. Authentic Love is a Tsunami of Light that dispels the darkness organically. You have no worries. Your only task is to sing, dance, paint, play and share your joy with others. You will be asked to awaken to your own role in this Global Play. You will have some change to make given what you now know. But, pay no mind to the man behind the curtain. He will only show himself to you when you give him your power and belief. Create a new Oz.

You will now choose to align with this sharing or not. To the degree you align in thought/belief, and then action, is to the degree your life experience will be transformed, and The Global Aura will be impacted. If you are confused, read this again. Ask for help in understanding. Be observant and patient. The truth loves to unfold in the eyes of the willing. For those of you already in awareness; the change is upon us. Your Light is working. We know what is possible. And so it is.

Sheree Denise Rainbolt-Kren

(c) 2007

Sheree is a writer, teacher and professional dowser. She has written three  full length ebooks that are given freely to those interested in Spiritual Dowsing, Reiki healing of The Inner Child, and a new system of numerology inspired in 2007. She hosts the largest dowsing forum on the internet, and a radio show at Live 365 on the topics listed above. Sheree also hosts the largest Reiki Manuals Library on the net. You can see more of her writings at the following locations: