Your New Churchy Reality Is Unfolding.

Jesus was the gift of a female Supernatural called HATHOR. Not the so called GOD you have been taught. It’s about WOMEN and the extinction thereof.  If it weren’t for the gift of Jesus, women would have become sex slaves and imprisoned in the worst kind of living hell at the hands of men of those times.  As it stands, many did not escape this picture. But, Jesus helped to shift the consciousness for 2000 years. There won’t be a true second coming my friend. There is nothing more the true Jesus can do. He already did it. Now it’s up to you.  YOU AND I HAVE SUSTAINED THIS NIGHTMARE WITH OUR CRAVING FOR COMFORT (on all levels)

The SECOND CHRIST came in 2000. It’s not ONE person really. It’s a group. It’s an agenda. It’s the BUSH STARS and the Mormon church, and Icy female half breeds who have come to be in control here. There will be the APPEARANCE of a Second Coming. You can bank on it. be prepared. It’s going to be one heck of a sound and light show. If you don’t believe in Supernaturals- you are going to be in for a real shocker very soon. Who do you think created Hurricane Katrina? .

It’s actually pretty complicated, and there is a lot we will never know, but you CAN know a few things.

If you want knowledge, you will need to get off main stream news. You will need to get off the paved roads that wind and bend in pre-determined routes. Get off the main road. Take the back roads.  You cannot possibly move on from THIS, without knowledge of what THIS is.

SARAH WAS RAPED BY LUCIFER. You need to understand that. At least that.

Baptisms and Votes serve the same God. They are both covenants. Here’s how it works. You get to check a box. You get to CHOOSE what you believe. The very second you check that box, you become electrically aligned with that four sqaure box of programs. You have NO IDEA what it contains in truth. You hear only what you want to hear, and what they want you to hear. You don’t know who they are. What they will do, but you checked the box, which means you have been baptised part of that person’s ID. How do you undo it? By becoming aware and willing to UNDO IT.  How you undo it is claim you are undoing it. Then, spend your days being a light in the world. Look at where you are attached to physical reality. Detach from excess attachments. Do it now.

Please recall that Obama is related to Cheney. Oh, looky there, what we found….isn’t THAT interesting. what an odd coincidence !

HILLARY CLINTON is destined (numerically) to be President. Much more so than anyone else, except Mitt Romney, who is currently out- but not down. Keep your eye on him and his company, NASA/CIA

Do you remember all the cozy plane trips with Bill Clinton and George Bush? do you honestly believe that was just a humanitarian mission? Wake up. They spent A LOT OF TIME TOGETHER in the name of Tsunami’s and Famine. Pleeeease.

 This ancient war is between Lilith and Adam. Period. And Eve. But, the true story has not been told. You have only received what the Alpha wanted you to receive. Jesus was not God’s son. Jesus is a being sent from THE VILLAGE OF MOTHERS.  Mother Mary was handpicked by a FEMALE GOD. For a reason.

Your Earth God is Lucifer. Jesus didn’t have an Alpha bone in his body. In truth, there is no such thing as gender. Stop being silly. There is only the Dominating and the Dominated and the outgrowth that supports that *IDEA*.

As you were.

At least I have planeted the seeds of truth.

By the way, this isn’t about Hillary for me. It is hard to say what Hillary really is. You can only judge by actions my friend. Hillary is an interesting breed. Perhaps the right person to pull off the greatest hoax on women.  GOOGLE ISIS. If you think for one second, these ruling men didn’t see 2008/12 coming, then you are truly not paying attention. They are not stupid. They are as cunning as they come. No need to get angry about it, but please…..KNOW THYSELF for God’s sakes.

I am not voting. I am detaching entirely from the movie.

A vote is a covenant. No one running right now- and I mean NO ONE running right now, has love in their heart for you and I. They have been hand selected. You have been spoon fed your own demise.

My best advice to you is to detach from systems, slowly and methodically, and ask the TRUE JESUS to help you do so. Understand that your vote is a REAL COVENANT.  There is HUGE power in this. They know it.

I will be over here, hugging my kids and knowing that in truth, all is well.

Lastly, the day will come soon where you will told there is no God. Yes, your true parents will be introducing themselves, as soon as the world population reaches critical mass on the truth. They will try to convince you that there is no escape from THIS. They are wrong.  But, don’t turn to the Bible to identify paradise. The true nature of the Multidimensional Universe has never been disclosed, but there are *locations of loving kindess and consciousness* far removed from 4 D.  Believe it. Be courageous. Be firm. At all cost, BE what you are. You are Mind. Not body. The body is a creation of Lucifer. But, once you wake the hell up, you can use this body as a tool for good. There isn’t much time left though. Help others.

John McCain’s about face on torture.



McCain Torture Endorsement Lost Amid Media Sex Scandal Frenzy


By Liliana Segura, AlterNet
Posted on February 22, 2008, Printed on February 22, 2008

Upon being confronted with The New York Times’ “bombshell” report of his too-cozy relationship with a “lady lobbyist” during his last presidential campaign, GOP contender John McCain took a page from the Bush playbook and blamed the media.

His spokesperson, Jill Hazelbacker, called it “a hit-and-run smear campaign.” McCain invoked his service to his country and issued a blunt denial: “Obviously I am very disappointed in The New York Times article,” he said. “It’s not true.” And in what might be her second public utterance since she piped up to say that she is very proud of her country, would-be First Lady Cindy McCain — who bears an eerie resemblance to the lobbyist in question — joined her husband at a press conference to say that she, too, was “very disappointed in The New York Times.”

“Americans are sick and tired of this kind of gutter politics,” Hazelbacker declared in an official statement.

Maybe so — but you can’t say the same for the media. Just when it looked like McCain was comfortably, boringly, settling into his role as GOP nominee, a sexy front-pager broke that would not only spice things up, it would give the press a chance to drop everything and indulge in a little journalistic naval-gazing.

Hours after the Times posted its story Wednesday night, The Washington Post followed with its own version of a politician-meets-lobbyist tale told amid fundraising venues and inside private jets. AlterNet’s Joshua Holland provides the sordid summary:

“The heart of the Times (and Washington Post) story is that staffers became concerned that McCain, the Patron Saint of Straight-Shooterdom, was overly cozy with a lobbying hottie — a lobbyist whose clients had business before a committee McCain chaired — and warned her off of the Senator’s campaign. That comes from a named source, John Weaver, who says he was personally present at a meeting with (Vicki) Iseman, and personally warned her off.”

The blogosphere lit up overnight, and following McCain’s 9 a.m. press conference, every talking head on television was weighing in on the McCain “sex scandal” — a scandal that ultimately has precious little to do with sex, given that the Times fell short of proving anything actually happened between McCain and Iseman.

In some ways, McCain is right: The media should be blamed — but not just for shoddy reporting of a rather sexless scandal. They should be castigated for ignoring a much more important and damning story about the so-called principled maverick — one that has actual implications for American democracy.

Mere hours before The New York Times broke its story on Wednesday, McCain made a totally unrelated — and apparently un-newsworthy — statement to reporters, in which he called for President Bush to veto the Senate’s anti-torture bill. He talked in support of “additional techniques” for interrogation, sounding ever more in line with the White House’s official stance. McCain, the “war hero” who has been an outspoken opponent of torture, voted against the bill, which would restrict the CIA to some 19 interrogation techniques listed in the Army field manual.

Now, having passed the Senate, the bill is headed for a veto at the hands of President Bush. For a man who would be president — and who is practically giddy at the prospect of being Commander in Chief — McCain’s push for a veto is ominous.

His evolving position on torture should be deeply troubling — much moreso than the current scandal. Yet it has received a fraction of the media attention that has already been devoted to whatever he did or did not do with a blonde lobbyist eight years ago.

Meanwhile, right-wing McCain supporters and critics alike are making so much noise chattering about family values and attacking the Times, McCain’s about-face on torture is likely to stay buried.

In fact, “the Times story may have succeeded in accomplishing what politics itself could not,” observed The Atlantic‘s Marc Ambiner, “unifying the conservative base around McCain by way of their visceral disgust with The New York Times and its lib-ber-ral politics.”

So how did this mess get started?

According to an article published Thursday afternoon in The New Republic, word got out about the Times‘ months-long investigation of McCain, so the publishing giant may have rushed to press to keep from getting scooped by another publication.

But that theory — ripped from the mouths of none other than McCain’s own advisers — is about as flimsy as the sex scandal itself.

Between right-wing howling against the Times and nerdy journalism gossip, the McCain fracas has largely become a story about a story. “We’re going to war with The New York Times,” the McCain camp announced the night the article broke. Robert Bennet, McCain’s lawyer, complained to Wolf Blitzer that he had sat down with reporters and shown them “10 to 12 instances” where McCain had refused to do her bidding — but those examples had remained conspicuously absent from the piece.

At least some in the media have acknowledged that, distilled to its base, there’s very little that’s news in this story — unless you actually bought into the myth that McCain is the straight-shooting, ethical politician he claims to be.

Yet the coverage continues. “I think we’re going to have a feeding frenzy for a day, maybe a day and a half, then it will go away because it’s a nothing story,” one McCain adviser said.

In contrast, no media feeding frenzy followed McCain’s vote against the anti-torture bill last week. It was forgotten faster than you could say “waterboarding.”

Of course, this is a “sex scandal.” Torture, by comparison, is old news.

© 2008 Independent Media Institute. All rights reserved.
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I AM 324 HV
JESUS CHRIST = 221  HV         this is his primary ID
JESUS      29 H    74 V   103 HV
CHRIST   41 H     77 V   118 HV
               70        151         221  HV
THE NUMBERS 221  ARE PART OF 2012  (minues the zero) do yourself a big favor and google 2012.
9/11/2001  = 2021     221
9 + 11 + 2001  = 2021
221 is thee main number for JESUS CHRIST.
2021  is 2012  scrambled.  They do that a lot.
I’m sure that’s just a coincidence.  😉
Now you know a little more.
This is Jesus Christ Numerology.
Using the English alphabet  A= 1   B= 2  C= 3   etc.
Adding Horizontally – add ONE digit at a time across. NOT TWO.
Add vertical as you normally would.
Check it yourself or just be dumb some more.
Oh dear, is that your alarm clock going off?

Dear Evangelicals: Your Bush Is On Fire. For Sex, not God ?

About Bush: “We spent hours talking about sex . . . who on the campaign was doing what to whom – but nothing about God. And I tried many, many times.”

Sometimes, I work out.  Sometimes I just sit in the cafe and have a mango smoothie and let others do the heavy lifting.

Isn’t this the same man who wants Romney to be President?

Learn how to do the numbers (free) on MP3

If you want to know how to do the numbers: I have 3 free MP3’s here. Listen and learn :

 It’s easy.   Double check your work. I do, but sometimes, things can still go wrong.

Begin with your own name.

English alphaBET


B = 2

Begin with your own name.

J    E   S   U  S

10  5  19   21  19

 29  h

74  v 

103  hv

same as Mormon – using the backwards alphabet.

BUT, using the backwards alphabet:


BWA      z= 1      y =2        x = 3    etc.

The backwards alphabet string WHICH NUMBER REPRESENTS   is

133    304    437      keep this

Barak Hussein Obama: Hussein is Arabic in origin.

Hussein \hu(s)-sein\ is pronounced hoo-SAYN. It is of Arabic origin. The name of a prominent person in Shiite Islam and a royal name in Jordan.

BARA  K      look at it backwards.    The K stands for 11.   Then you read ARAB

Using the backwards Alphabet – the full signature of God is 11 h and 11 v –  22  hv

If you see 11:11 on clocks and other things, this is why. It’s about God (backwards).

This is how Jesus Christ numerology works. Sometimes it seems silly. That’s intentional.

IS THIS CODE FOR   ARAB 11  ?  Who is 12th?

I have a feeling the real name is Barak. Not Barack.

I smell a Trojan Horse. Just my opinion, based on what I am seeing in the numbers

and from his alignments in the Senate and his ooopsie votes that stripped health care for kids.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Barack Hussein Obama (pronounced /bəˈrɑːk huːˈseɪn oʊˈbɑːmə/[1]) (born August 4, 1961) is the junior United States Senator from Illinois and a leading candidate for the Democratic nomination in the 2008 presidential election.

Bush said: No Clones – NIH is cloning (the God Number)

“George W said:  Human cloning is deeply troubling to me, and to most Americans. Life is a creation, not a commodity. (Applause.) Our children are gifts to be loved and protected, not products to be designed and manufactured. Allowing cloning would be taking a significant step toward a society in which human beings are grown for spare body parts, and children are engineered to custom specifications; and that’s not acceptable.

In the current debate over human cloning, two terms are being used: reproductive cloning and research cloning. Reproductive cloning involves creating a cloned embryo and implanting it into a woman with the goal of creating a child. Fortunately, nearly every American agrees that this practice should be banned. Research cloning, on the other hand, involves the creation of cloned human embryos which are then destroyed to derive stem cells.

I believe all human cloning is wrong, and both forms of cloning ought to be banned, for the following reasons. First, anything other than a total ban on human cloning would be unethical. Research cloning would contradict the most fundamental principle of medical ethics, that no human life should be exploited or extinguished for the benefit of another. (Applause.) ”





The numbers for the National Institute of Health is 123 h  and that’s not good.

Maybe it’s all just a coincidence. Except a year ago I googled the Jesus #   105192119 and found

other research with the Jesus # all over it. I posted it on the internet. The page is gone. But, many have copies.

In addition to the Jesus # was the number 2118.   ABRAHAM # 

B   A    R

2    1   18        NICKNAME FOR BARBARA

JESUS CHRIST NUMEROLOGY : Learn it for free on Mp3 (link)

3 Free MP3’s now available to learn how to do the JESUS CHRIST NUMEROLOGY system. It’s easy. Learn who Jesus is going to be – coming right up. 🙂 You can also join some of my groups in order to get daily info on my findings. Prepare to be shocked and awed. Listen to all three MP3’s before making up your mind. Come with paper and pencil, and an open mind. Or stay in the box and suck your thumb. It’s about to get real interesting.

Backwards Alphabet: Jesus Christ = 666

Here’s how to do it. Using the backwards alphabet – Z=1,  Y = 2, X= 3, etc.  NOW ADD THIS PHRASE:  WHICH NUMBER REPRESENTS JESUS CHRIST.  Here’s how to add it.

Assign the right number to the right letters. Write the phrase out across a piece of paper.

Write the numbers under the letters.  Now add them across ONE DIGIT AT A TIME. Like this:

W   H   I   C  H

4    19  18  24  19  

Add 1 digit at a time for a horizontal (h) read.

4 + 1 + 9 + 1 + 8  etc

Write your answer down.

Then add vertically, the way you normally would.

Now, add the h and the v together for your result.

This system is based on the CROSS NUMBER. (h and v)

Traditional numerology would have you add only vertically.

That was a great way to keep the truth from being seen.

You will find that the Backwards alphabet yeilds enormous

insight. Not only is it used, it is KEY.

Both alphabets work in tandem.  But don’t you find it interesting

that the regular alphabet does not result in:


There is a faction – as old as Moses and Abraham, who use

numbers – symbols and alphabets to communicate with each other.


The result – using the backwards alphabet is:   201223

THIS IS REALLY  2012 – 23


23 = BUSH  H

MORMON – using the backwards alphabet –  =

29 h  74 v  103  hv

This is the same exact string for JESUS when you use the

forward alphabet.

REMINDER: The Definition of Jesus and other good folk

A few reminders about Love, Jesus, Buddha, and nice people.  We could use the reminder. But, if this offends Christians and other church goers, simply set it aside and forget it.


Love never arms itself

Love never tortures

Love never pounds a pulpit

Love never limits people

Love never chooses for people

Love never punishes – but teaches

Love is always recognizable to those who know love

Love is confusing to those who do not know love

Love feeds the hungry

Love does not abandon

Love NEVER demands tithing

Love encourages honest service for others

Love illuminates

Love does not hold secrets

Love never seeks to control

Love is the definition of freedom

Love does not fix elections in the name of god

Love is always the truth at all cost

Love is confident that truth prevail – at all cost

Love is boundaryless

Love does not divide people

Love does not have it’s own news channel

Love is perfect allowance for all ideas

Love is trust that real loving ideas DO NO HARM

Love is not a white house or white horse

Love is community built on peace

Love is present in every second of every breath

Love is not hidden by a falsified veil

Nothing is hidden in truth