Leiberman backs McCain ( who could be surprised)

The only Republican candidate (besides Romney -who can’t win) who is PRO DEATH/WAR is McCain. Lierberman looks to me to be one of those behind the scenes War Mongers. Smart Democrats in Conn knew Lieberman had moved way right with a seemingly strict allegiance to Israel, rather than the good of the USA, and the world at large. Anyone aligned with Lieberman risks losing credibility in my view. His mask has come off and we can now see who and what he is working for.

Make no mistake. The 2008 election is clearly a make or break for this country. It’s the difference between everlasting war – and the undoing of it.


Well I ‘ll be snapdoodled !  Russert brought it! The big guns. The real guns. This wasn’t your Daddy’s bullfight. This was a straight up – in your face – get at the truth intereview, I never expected from NBC, or Russert, given what I know about Mormon power in our country. I want to credit NBC and Russert for a tough and comprehensive interview on Meet The Press this morning on Mitt Romney. Romney is slick; gotta give him that. Tim had the facts, the dates, the flips, and the contradictions. It was better than CATS!

Job well done Russert. You have totally redeemed yourself oh Master Of The Truth Seeking.


Gore’s BIG statement about the US Gov standing in the way of saving the planet is TIMED perfectly. His statement comes right along side Obama’s new leads! They still think we’re stupid ! But, you have to remember Gore is another Clinton. How do you know the whole INCONVENIENT TRUTH tour wasn’t a perfect set up for JUST THIS MOMENT ?

 If it weren’t Gore’s retreat from the Florida recount, we wouldn’t be where we are.


But, you watch, mark my words, HE’S COMIN. He’s comin for Obama. He’s the ELITE SAFETY NET.  Remember that he placed Joe Leiberman on the tkt. THAT SPEAKS VOLUMES ABOUT HIS AGENDA !!!

How nice that he wouldn’t have to do MEET THE PRESS as time draws to an end, and be subject to serious questions about what he did to this country by handing Bush the election without a fight. I would defin do a PAY PER VIEW on that one !

I smell something green and it’s not the grass !!!!

Don’t fall for it.

189 REPUBS WANT TO TORTURE (Jesus would be proud)


 What is the definition of HYPOCRIT ?



189 Republicans Affirm Their Support of Torture

By The Xsociate , The All Spin Zone
Posted on December 14, 2007, Printed on December 16, 2007

I’m back to my one trick pony propensity again but given the serious of the subject matter — the subjection to and potential cover up of the torture of US detainees — I feel a bit of harping is warranted. But as with most things the Congress does these days, they just aren’t thinking far enough ahead.

Yesterday, the House took the advice of a phalanx of retired Army and Navy officers to ignoring President Bush’s threat to veto and passed by a ban on the practice of waterboarding.

The House approved legislation yesterday that would bar the CIA from using waterboarding and other harsh interrogation tactics, drawing an immediate veto threat from the White House and setting up another political showdown over what constitutes torture.

The measure, approved by a largely party-line vote of 222 to 199, would require U.S. intelligence agencies to follow Army rules adopted last year that explicitly forbid waterboarding. It also would require interrogators to adhere to a strict interpretation of the Geneva Conventions on the treatment of prisoners of war. The rules, required by Congress for all Defense Department personnel, also ban sexual humiliation, “mock” executions and the use of attack dogs, and prohibit the withholding of food and medical care.

The measure still must make it through the Senate, which given that some members have already signaled their willingness to downplay even the most heinous of practices, remains very much in doubt.

But even if it were to reach full passage, it would be — as my post title suggests — utterly meaningless. For you see the Congress has already affirmed such a ban. It was a little thing called the Detainee Treatment Act of 2005. And we all remember how long that “ban” lasted (hint: as long as it took the ink to dry on the “Only if I want to” note Bush attached to it).

So while we can applaud Congress for once again seeking to clear up the issue of just which practices are acceptable, if past is prologue, this latest affirmation won’t matter one bit.

More from DHinMI and Carpetbagger.

The Xsociate is a blogger for the All Spin Zone

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